- To provide online agriculture information and scientific guidance to farmers.
- Telephone-based immediate solution and advice to farmers on a variety of day-to-day problems related to agriculture practices, pests, diseases, and their control.
Major Topics Of Interaction

- Cultivation practices of all major crops; Improved Crop Varieties
- Plant Protection: Pest and Disease Management
- Harvesting and Post-Harvest Technologies
- Soil and Water Testing with Amendments
- Balanced use of fertilizer and application
- Usage of Organic Products
- Krishijivan related queries
- Advances in irrigation systems and technology
Information Available on Sardar Agrinet Cell

Detailed information of 131 different crops like Cereals (Wheat, Bajra, Jowar, Maize, etc), Oilseeds (Groundnut, Castor, Sesamum, Soybean, Mustard etc), Pulses (Greengram, Blackgram, Gram etc.), vegetables (Potato, Tomato, Okra, Bottleguard, bitterguard, etc.), and fruits (mango, sapota, guava, etc.) Cash Crops (Cotton, Sugarcane, Tobacco, etc.), Ornamental Plants (Flowers), Medicinal Plants, Spices, Forest Trees, etc. with their Agricultural Practices like: Atmosphere and type of soil suitable for the Crops; Soil preparation; Latest improved varieties; Methods of Sowing; Irrigation Management; Intercropping, Fertilizer requirements; Weeds and their control measures; Interculturing operations; Details of pest and disease likely to attack with photographs; their control measures; Harvesting method; Production; and Economic viability.
For details please contact
E-mail : agrinet@gsfcltd.com
Toll Free No. : 1800 123 5000