Krishi Jivan
Providing Information on Latest Research and New Technologies

Information rich publication have valuable role to play in dissemination of knowledge. Since 1968 GSFC publishes a monthly magazine in Gujarati language” Krishi Jivan” with a mass circulation of copies every month. 'Krishi Jivan' is also published in Hindi language quarterly.
It contains information on latest research and new technologies of agriculture and related fields through various articles from the eminent scientists and experts of Agriculture Universities for the benefits of the farmers. Articles covering the important topics like Seeds, Plant Protection, Vegetables, Underground Water Recharging, Farm Forestry, Weather Forecasting, Dairy, Animal Husbandry etc. are also released periodically. In view of the coverage, content, quality and regularity, it has been awarded International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) - 0971 - 6440 by the National Standard Bureau.
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